Checking if dataset contains any null

Let us merge both the datasets. This will help us to understand the dataset country wise.

Exploratory Analysis and Visualization

Before we ask question on the dataset, it would be helpful to understand the restaurants geographical spread, understanding the rating, Currency, Online Delivery, City coverage…etc.

List of countries the survey is spread across

The survey seems to have spread across15 countries. This shows that Zomato is a multinational company having actives business in all those countries.

As Zomato is a startup from India hence it makes sense that it has maximum business spread across restaurants in India

Understanding the Rating aggregate, color and text

The above information helps us to understand the realation between Aggregate rating, color and text. We conclude the following color assigned to the ratings:

Let us try to understand the spread of rating across restaurants

Interesting, Maximum restaurants seems to have gone No ratings. Let us check if these restaurants belong to some specific country.

India seems to have maximum unrated restaurants. In India the culture of ordering online food is still gaining momentum hence most of the restaurants are still unrated on Zomato as people might be preferring to visiting the restaurant for a meal.

Country and Currency

Above table display country and the currency they accept. Interestingly four countries seems to be accepting currency in dollars.

Online delivery distribution

Only 25% of restaurants accepts online delivery. This data might be biased as we have maximum restaurants listed here are from India. Maybe analysis over city wise would be more helpful.

Let us try to understand the coverage of city

The data seems to be skewed towards New Delhi, Gurgaon and Noida. I see minimal data for other cities. Hence I would do my analysis predominantly on New Delhi.

Asking and Answering Questions

We’ve already gained several insights about the restaurants present in the survey. Let’s ask some specific questions and try to answer them using data frame operations and visualizations.

Q1: From which Locality maximum hotels are listed in Zomato

Connaught place seems to have high no of restaurants registered with Zomato, Let us understand the cuisines the top rated restaurants has to offer

Q2: What kind of Cuisine these highly rates restaurants offer

Top rated restaurants seems to be doing well in the following cuisine

Q3: How many of such restaurants accept online delivery

Q4: Understanding the Restaurants Rating localities.


Q5: Rating VS Cost of dinning

I observe there is no linear relation between price and rating. For instance, Restaurants with good rating (like 4–5) have restaurants with all the price range and spread across the entire X axis

Q6: Location of Highly rated restaurants across New Delhi

The aforementioned four cities represent nearly 65% of the total data available in the dataset. Apart from the higly rated local restaurants, it’d be intersting to know where the known-eateries that are commonplace. The verticles across which these can be located are -

Q7: Common Eateries

1: Breakfast and Coffee locations

Chaayos outlets are doing better. We need more of those in Delhi. Café coffee day seems to be performing poorly in avg rating. They are required to improve their services.

2: Fast Food Restaurants

3: Ice Cream Parlors

Foreign brands seems to be doing better than the local brands

Inferences and Conclusions

We’ve drawn many inferences from the survey. Here’s a summary of a few of them: